Friday, May 27, 2011


Thankfully, the nasty storms that had plagued Tornado Alley last week blew away and left sunny skies for my sojourn to Hawai'i.  The flights were not bad, as I'm used to the rigorous European excursion, and our 8 hour 20 minute flight from DFW to Honolulu actually made it in 7 hours and 40 minutes!!  Bonus!!
I was just behind First Class (and able to smell the delicious food they were eating) and seated next to a very nice West Point grad and AT&T network rep, Andy from Glen Rose, TX.  He collects college football Hall of Fame signatures and regaled me about his "obsession" (as his wife calls it) that he's had since he was 4.  Our only awkward moment occured when I said I had AT&T internet at home (smile) but Verizon mobile service (cringe). ;)
I didn't watch the first movie because Andy was giving me the highs and lows of signature-gathering.  When the second movie started I was very excited...Shrek!  As I plugged in my earphones I realized something was wrong...the movie was in Spanish!  I speak Spanish, but after 10 minutes of translating the jokes of Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy at warp speed, my head started to I listened to my iPod instead.
It's amazing to be flying over nothing but clouds and water (which looks like black glass flecked with white), and then all of a sudden you see clear blue water and a coast!  Jonna really does live in the middle of the ocean!
Getting to see my friend, whom I haven't seen since her wedding day Jan 9, 2010, was the best part of landing in the Aloha State.  I was struck by the disparity in temperature; her wedding to Josh was held on the coldest day of the year... -3F for the high.  The balmy 86F with a breeze was a welcome change to the cramped quarters of the 767-300.
Driving up the Highway toward Wahiawa (don't ask me how to pronounce it, Jonna says it's best just to say it fast!!), we passed many interesting flora and I will have to look up their names on the internet because I have never seen them before. 
The town of Wahiawa Jonna would say, "junky."  Apparently, Dog the Bounty Hunter is a frequent visitor...which means we won't be! 
We arrived at Schofield Barracks (Helemano Reserve) and 132 Kawelo Ct. a half-hour later and I got to meet Hobbes (Hobo cat, as I call him) and his canine sidekick, Haskell (named for the county from which Jonna originates).  Haskell was eager to greet me, but Hobo-kitty decided to be very aloof and snooty (no doubt to make a grand entrance later) and was nestled in the Cat Hammock he has fashioned for himself in the mattress lining under Jonna's bed.
Ignoring the feline snoot, we decided to take Haskell for a walk, and sauntered around the gated reserve.  I was struck by the smells (so different from Kansas) and Jonna informed me that everyone says that when they arrive.  We paralleled the perimeter, which is a barbed-wire fence, and marveled at the funny pine trees.  They are whispy and soft, and look like they would blow over in a stiff Kansas breeze.  Another strange tree we saw has not one, not two, but three different buds eminating from the branches.  The pink fuzzy blooms remind Jonna of Dr. Seuss illustrations.  I agree.  If you touch the leaves, they smell like mint.  :)
Arriving back at the house we dined on parmesan chicken and salad (yummy) and Le Chat Snoot decided to appear and give me the once-over.  I now understand Jonna's stories about his explosive nature.  This is going to be a great month in the South Pacific!

Leaving the West Coast of the US

Coast of O'ahu

Approaching the airport with Honolulu on the right

Hawaiian pine trees

The view from Jonna's house toward the Wai'anae Mountains


1 comment:

  1. Sounds cool so far HM. Still can't believe you "misplaced" that trunk I was going to tag along in. ;-) Have a blast. Doodah awaits. :-(
