Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

I've always associated Memorial Day with the Indy 500, picnics, and no school.  This is the first time in my 45 years that I've spent this hallowed day on a military base. 
I'm in Hawaii because my friend's husband is serving our country in Afghanistan.  Seeing photos of Jonna and Josh around the house is a reminder that the last Monday in May has a much greater meaning.
The lone star hangs on the wall in the foyer, signifying a person deployed.  Across the hall are photos that Jonna took on the day that Josh deployed and she says "hello" to him every morning when she comes down the stairs.
Being so close to Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Air Base, and Pearl Harbor, you see the military impact on the island here.  In a photo I posted yesterday (below) you can see the notch in the mountains where the Japanese flew through to attack the island on December 7, 1941.

Tora Tora Tora

My father served in WWII as a quartermaster in Guam.  He didn't see battle, but living so far away from home as an 18-yr-old snatched from his senior year of high school in Missouri wasn't easy.
My uncle served in the Philippines during the war and was also fortunate enough to return unharmed.

Jonna and I plan to visit Pearl Harbor sometime during this week.  Seeing the USS Arizona with soldiers still entombed after nearly 70 years will be haunting I'm sure.

This post is for all the soldiers who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom and the freedom of others...

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