Monday, June 13, 2011

Polo by the Sea at Mokule'ia

Jonna has been hearing about the local polo matches since she moved here last year and we had mapped out today to see a chukker.  The Hawaii Polo Club has a beautiful site right along the North Shore off Farrington Highway. 
The club has been here since 1963 and every Sunday at 2 polo fans tailgate around the fields to watch the ponies run.
When we woke up this morning it was raining.  The rain here is not like in Kansas, where a storm blows through and leaves clear skies behind it.  In Hawaii the rain is a slow drip that can last for days, so we were not hopeful as we left for church that we would be able to see polo today.
During the service the skies lightened a bit so we decided to head down at noon to get a good spot.

Jonna's friend, Jill, along with her husband, Dusty, and his parents from Texas joined us for the day.
At 2 the JV group began the parade of ponies around the field.  For this match the field is cut in half.  Unfortunately it was the other half of the field from our end so we didn't get a close up experience.
After four chukkers (7 minutes each), there was a brief intermission before the senior players took to the field to vie for the Al Lopaka Trophy. 
In the meantime the skydivers from Dillingham Air Field (across the road) were dropping like we watched them twist and turn in the strong coastal wind.  Normally they land on the polo field during intermission, but not today.
When the senior teams (Equus and Rainbow Warriors) entered the field you could tell they were very good.
In no time the score was 1-1.  If you haven't been to a polo match, the teams switch ends with a score.  We were fortunate that they were using the entire field so I could get some good shots.

At around 4:30 or so Jonna and I decided to leave so we didn't see the last chukker.  We had planned on eating at Luibueno's in Hale'iwa, which is just up the highway from Mokule'ia. 
The chicken quesadillas were delicious as usual and the dinner was a great end to another fabulous day in Hawai'i


Rare birds make up the polo set


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